Saturday, December 21, 2013

123 shows a very scabby potato

123 shows a very scabby potato

Potato Scab. The scab of the white, or Irish, potato is one of the commonest and at the same time most easily prevented of plant diseases. Yet this disease diminishes the profits of the potato-grower very materially. Fig. 123 shows a very scabby potato, while Fig. 124 represents a healthy one. This scab is caused by a fungous growth on the surface of the potato. Of course it lessens the selling-price of the potatoes. If seed potatoes be treated to a bath of formalin just before they are planted, the formalin will kill the fungi on the potatoes and greatly diminish the amount of scab at the next harvest. Therefore before they are planted, seed potatoes should be soaked in a weak solution of formalin for about two hours. One-half pint of formalin to fifteen gallons of water makes a proper solution.

Fig. 125.
From a scabby potato,
like the one in Fig. 123,
this yield was obtained

Fig. 126.
From a healthy potato,
like the one in Fig. 124,
this yield was obtained

Fonte: Agriculture for Beginners

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